Jurassic World Kids: Cretaceous Cakes
Introduce a fresh take on the global franchise by identifying and leveraging popular digital and pop culture trends to promote Jurassic World's consumer products for young audiences in a non-film year.
Not only did the right concept need to be localized in four additional languages; but the chosen trend embraced by said concept needed to transcend cultural barriers and resonate with global audiences beyond a US audience.
Craft a Cretaceous take on the incredibly popular cake trend, leveraging CP from Jurassic's most successful retail lines and tapping "Is It Cake?" Season 1 Finalist Hemu Basu to create a suite of hyperrealistic bakes.
The resulting four-episode series yielded a 6-month organic total of 27.2MM views across five global markets — making Cretaceous Cakes one of the most popular series ever on the Jurassic World Kid YouTube Channel.